Good article overall, but hard disagree on TODO comments. From my experience they just litter the codebase and never get fixed. I used a tool to measure this on a large project and they grow linearly with code.

I’ve actually started using an ESLint rule to ban all TODO and FIXME comments.

I instruct to create actual backlog tickets for improvements, optionally link to them from code.

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Thanks for reading!

It's definitely the responsibility of the leader to review, update and clear time (iterations, sprints, etc...) allocated to them.

> I used a tool to measure this on a large project and they grow linearly with code.

Do you mind sharing the tool?

I'd love to see how the # of TODOs changed over time in two of our core repos [1][2].

[1] https://github.com/buildwithgrove/path

[2] https://github.com/pokt-network/poktroll

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This is the tool: https://github.com/azat-io/todoctor

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Could you take a look here when you have a chance? https://github.com/azat-io/todoctor/issues/5

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Jan 27Edited

Yeah, it's not working for me either now. Maybe try older versions? It definitely did work via `npx` before ~ 2 months ago.

You can specify a specific version to use like this:


npx -y todoctor@1.2.0


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I'll keep the train of questions going: https://github.com/azat-io/todoctor/issues/6

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